
The nonsense of Korean music poplularity.

 I have been so worried about korean pop music future. There is no artist but entertainer. I really like artists such as Jewel, nell(korean). Also I like journey sketch , a Korean band. In Korea, it seems that everybody enjoys Finkle, TVXG.. but I really doubt about it. I and we really don't know how many people in Korea really enjoy that kind of music. It seems to me that only few part of teenagers are so enthusiastic for their stars.

 I think the teenagers are the only good consumers for pop music because they have time, money and tendancy easily driven by just appearance and easiness. But appearance is not everything. In reality, maybe there are so many teenagers who don't like that kind of pop music. The korean representative broadcasting companies drive people to believe that some pop music are very popular. And I really doubt it.

 Even If I had money or afforded to buy a lot of music CDs, I wouldn't buy that pop music. The thinking that this music would be popular makes the music more popular. So, I want to make a group which can support artists that we like but I am not sure that it is possible. If I can, I wanna do.


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