
Can you guess where it is in Korea?

 : How does Korea become like this.... The shallow capitalism made Korea like this... It pursues only profit. Profit means efficiency. And it made Korea a dull country in terms of city design.

 Please look at the following pictures....


 Where is it?

  Can you guess where it is? A town in Kyoungkido?, Jeonrado? Kyongsangdo? This is a typical appearance which a caplitalism swept over a place in the name of city development.


It's a town in Yangsan City, Kyoungkido

A night street... It's a downtown in Yangsan

Where is it? It's in Seoul


 Is it OK? Korea? Like this?

: No, absolutely not. I think Korea is a kind of 52th state of USA. Seeing the unified view... no characteristic to a region.... Even the army control is under the USA. We don't have it. Therefore it's close to a colony of USA. I have to say that Korea is between a colony and the 52th state of USA.

 It started from the people who sold their country and ethnicity to Japan. We call them Japan-Friendly party people.

 Furthermore, Korea is driven by a shallow capitalism, which made Korea very similar with each other. In the name of efficiency and development, we made buildings in a retangluar shape... Even museums in Korea are very alike inside.

 Especially, downtown in night are really alike.... What the hell... To see those, you don't need to travel around in Korea. Just pick a city and go there... You can experience almost everything which you can see and feel in other city.


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