
Seoul Public North Seoul Art Museum, Part 1

 : There are several art museums in Seoul... But in Busan there are only 2 art museums I found on Internet.

Seoul Civil art Museum

Seoul National Art Museum

Municipal Art Museum in Busan


 Finding the museum

 서울 시립 북서울 미술관.... 마치 서울이라는 곳이 무슨 독립된 국가라도 되는 양... 북쪽에 그리고 남쪽에 미술관이 하나씩 있다. 이건 뭐..... 여기에는 연중 각자 다른 미술작품이 전시되고 있다. 의미를 알 수 없는 듯하면서 의미를 가지고 있는 다양한 미술작품들.... 

 현대인들에게 이런 미술작품은 어떤 의미가 있을까? 그리고 어떤 가치가 있는 것일까? 고가에 거래되는 미술작품의 얘기를 듣고 있자면, 그리고 자금 세탁의 방법으로 쓰이고 있는 미술작품의 얘기를 듣고 있자면... 금전적으로만해도 상당한 가치가 있는 것 같은데....


하계역과 중계역 사이에 있다.

미술관 가다 만난 홈플러스... 젠장

이 미술관은 공원이 둘러싸고 있다

미술관 입구



 미술관에 있는 레스토랑 - 셀란키친

 이런 식당은 참 오래간만이다. 에퍼타이저가 나오고, 메인 디시가 나오고... 웨이터가 서빙하고 등등....

 그러나 가격은 만만찮다는 거. 돈가스가 저기서 제일 쌌는데... 대부분 만원이 넘어가는 식사였다. 누구나 관람할 수 있는 모료의 미술관이지만 이런 식당은 참 다가가기 힘든 곳이라고나 할까.... 뭐 기분 내면서 데이트하기에는 좋은 곳이긴 하지만...

셀란 키친

  1. 00:31:42 Seoul Public North Seoul Art Museum, Part 3
  2. 00:13:26 Seoul Public North Seoul Art Museum, Part 2
  3. 2016.03.14 Seoul Public North Seoul Art Museum, Part 1

  1. 20:36:31 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 8
  2. 20:31:01 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 7
  3. 20:27:57 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 6
  4. 20:22:19 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 5
  5. 00:23:24 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 4
  6. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 3
  7. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 2
  8. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 1

Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 8


 : Maple Story is one of the popular games in Korea. Now the 2nd series is released in Korea in 3D, not in 2D. It has all kinds of games inside. Here I am going to show the location of the treasure box which is a pleasure to track down the hidden box all over the maple world.


 You can find Meso(the currency in the game) and Onyx(material for enforcing equipments), or sometimes jewels(materials for enforcing skills). There are two kinds of box, one is ordinary and the other is golden.


 Ludibrium Meteorite

 There are more than 4 box in a map. And at least there is 1 golden box. Where is the location?


Ludibrium Meteorite


 Andrea Family's Territory

Andrea Family's Territory

  1. 20:36:31 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 8
  2. 20:31:01 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 7
  3. 20:27:57 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 6
  4. 20:22:19 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 5
  5. 00:23:24 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 4
  6. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 3
  7. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 2
  8. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 1

  1. 20:36:31 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 8
  2. 20:31:01 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 7
  3. 20:27:57 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 6
  4. 20:22:19 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 5
  5. 00:23:24 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 4
  6. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 3
  7. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 2
  8. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 1

Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 7


 : Maple Story is one of the popular games in Korea. Now the 2nd series is released in Korea in 3D, not in 2D. It has all kinds of games inside. Here I am going to show the location of the treasure box which is a pleasure to track down the hidden box all over the maple world.


 You can find Meso(the currency in the game) and Onyx(material for enforcing equipments), or sometimes jewels(materials for enforcing skills). There are two kinds of box, one is ordinary and the other is golden.


 Mount Hill

 There are more than 4 box in a map. And at least there is 1 golden box. Where is the location?


Mount Hill


 Goldus Medicine Factory

Goldus Medicine Factory

  1. 20:36:31 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 8
  2. 20:31:01 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 7
  3. 20:27:57 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 6
  4. 20:22:19 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 5
  5. 00:23:24 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 4
  6. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 3
  7. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 2
  8. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 1

  1. 20:36:31 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 8
  2. 20:31:01 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 7
  3. 20:27:57 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 6
  4. 20:22:19 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 5
  5. 00:23:24 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 4
  6. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 3
  7. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 2
  8. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 1

Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 6


 : Maple Story is one of the popular games in Korea. Now the 2nd series is released in Korea in 3D, not in 2D. It has all kinds of games inside. Here I am going to show the location of the treasure box which is a pleasure to track down the hidden box all over the maple world.


 You can find Meso(the currency in the game) and Onyx(material for enforcing equipments), or sometimes jewels(materials for enforcing skills). There are two kinds of box, one is ordinary and the other is golden.


 Neuron DNA Research Center

There are more than 4 box in a map. And at least there is 1 golden box. Where is the location?



 Shadow Gate

Shadow Gate

  1. 20:36:31 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 8
  2. 20:31:01 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 7
  3. 20:27:57 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 6
  4. 20:22:19 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 5
  5. 00:23:24 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 4
  6. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 3
  7. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 2
  8. 2015/07/30 Maple Story - An expecting game, Maple Story, started service July 7 in Korea. The Treasure box Part 1

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