: Yes, nowadays the movies are not being made abundantly... and worse there are less interesting movies out there. Movies from Hongkong or China are not new or same with old styles. Japanese movies are made from the animations. And the Hollywood blockbusters are made from time to time and also the high standards on the movie of spectators are the reasons that the block busters are not quite popular in Korea comparing with the box office revenues of Korean movies. And TV series are often better than movies... Yes, I don't see much difference between TV series and movies nowadays.
Recommendable movies
1. QUO.VADIS(쿼바디스) - This is a documentary movie on Korean Christianity. Huge churches in Korea serves money not God.
You can see how much corrupted the Korean churches are. I can see the cries of Martin Luther.
Enough interesting Documentary Movie. Need a revolution on Christianity in Korea
Rate : ☆☆☆☆
Jenre : Docu, Religion
Details :
2. Inside-Out(인사이드 아웃) - Yes, right. It's Pixar. It has never disappointed me. Another creative work! It was fun and good including some lessons you can learn from it.
It's Pixar, that's all
Rate : ☆☆☆☆☆
Jenre : Animation, Fantasy
Details :
3. Get Hard(겟하드) - A small and light racial discrimination movie? Will Parrel is really fit for a comedy movie. It shows a typical white folks stereo type on blacks. It gives some fun factors... How does he lose the stereotype one the movie...
He got setup by his boss and also Fiance. He is about to get in jail... so afraid of... And he asks a help from a black people because he thought every black should have been in a jail at least once in a life time... Black should know how to survive in prison, which is the thought he has...
When you don't want to use your brain
Rate : ☆☆☆☆
Jenre : Comedy, Drama
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4. Barely Lethal(배어리 리썰) - A kid was raised as a spy. But she was too sensitive to be a spy. She wanted to live a normal life. In a chance she got, she pretended to be dead and went to a school. Of course we learned everything about high school life.... Someone who know only how to do a spy and kill people can live with ordinary people? You can see that.
It's not bad
Rate : ☆☆☆
Jenre : Action, Spy
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5. Return to Sender(리턴 투 센더) - Women's revenges are so scary... Right even in Korea there is a proverb, "if a woman come to get a revengeful mind, ground becomes frosty even in May or June". A nice nurse got raped by an acquaintance... Even though the rapist got punished by law, the nurse suffered much from it... And she planned to revenge...
Be careful and be nice to women.
Rate : ☆☆☆☆
Jenre : Drama, Revenge
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