  1. 2016.01.15 2nd day of G-Star, Part 5
  2. 2016.01.15 The First Day of GStar, Part 7
  3. 2016.01.15 2nd day of G-Star, Part 1
  4. 2016.01.14 G-Star Tips I gathered during the first day of G-Star

The rumor and release date of the Lineage Eternal, March 28, 2016.


 The release date is just a romor

: In Korea it's quite interesting subject on this game. According to the article at Gamechosun, there is no release date announced by NCsoft so far. Just Closed Beta test is scheduled to start early this year.


An article


  Closed beta test is confirmed to be started this year.

 Please refer the following article even though it's in Korean.

 게임조선 기사

[컨콜] 리니지이터널 상반기 CBT…엔씨표 모바일은 하반기 출시 [3]

엔씨소프트가 신작 게임들의 출시 및 테스트 일정을 발표했다. 11일 윤재수 엔씨소프트 최고재무책임자(CFO)는...


 The reaction on the game

: Here in Korea gamers are really interested in this game. The keywords hits are increasing now. I think lots of gamers are waiting for this game.... And they will apply for the Closed Beta test.

Game play

Game play 2

Mobile game play

  1. 2016.01.15 2nd day of G-Star, Part 5
  2. 2016.01.15 The First Day of GStar, Part 7
  3. 2016.01.15 2nd day of G-Star, Part 1
  4. 2016.01.14 G-Star Tips I gathered during the first day of G-Star

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