
I was going to Lee Joong Seop Art Gallery and met the house he used to live in...

 Jeju is a typical touristic zone and city. Here is also... like this... The streets are full of artistic creations and visitors... 

 Lee Joongseop is a famous artist in the world. You can know of him here, http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=2653046&cid=51954&categoryId=55476

 Here you will notice many traces of him including the 'artist's walking path'


 Lee Joongseop's house

 I imagine he must feel many things while walking around the Nature.


 You can see the house he used to live before the Art Gallery. It is called in Korean '이중섭 거주지' (A residence of Lee Joongseop). And I find well managed garden and also the statue of him here... Very good place to hang out with a lover...


 And it's Monday

: I was able to see the house but the gallery was closed then. 


 It is a good opportunity to see the life of an artist who lived poor and became so popular and famous after his death....

 If he had become more popular while living, how he would have been better.... Now his works are really expensive... 


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