
  1. 23:03:56 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 10
  2. 22:38:23 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 9
  3. 22:22:18 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 8
  4. 21:30:14 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 7
  5. 21:20:59 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 6
  6. 21:09:38 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 5
  7. 17:02:31 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 4
  8. 16:53:49 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 3
  9. 16:45:01 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 2
  10. 2014/12/16 From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 1

From Busan National University to Geumjeong Public Library, Part 10

: I couldn't just go home without doing something after a hard walking(?). This Dongdongju is a small pleasure. 


 I call it a day with Dongdongju


Ordinary price

And then the Maguli(similar kind with Dongdongju)

Clean side dish

The pajeon. It was not tasty to me

A free service by the Host, Seonji Soup(pig blood)

And tofu, kimchi. It tastes ordinary

: It was good because of people I was together then not because of the food itself. The food wasn't that satisfactory.



 And we went to It B, a coffee shop

잇비 입구

An ordinary Americano. Wasn't good but not bad also

Good for date

They also sell Dutch coffee

: I lost my scarf and the host kept it. And the host and the waitress were so kind that day and also the day when I visited for the scarf. When I revisited I found there are two kind of Americano. 

 As you see, there are Dark Blend and Seasonal Blend. I ordered Seasonal. It tastes a little bit sour. People usually select the Dark one according to the waitress. I am going to try the Dark one later.


Coffee for today and Dutch Coffee


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