Ethics, Doctrines and Right or Wrong are made not by some ethical principles but by needs.
Long time ago, about 15 years ago, I stopped judging which is right or wrong. I admitted that I could not judge which is right. If the God exists, only he can do that.
And let’s talk about the ethics. In ethics, there are so many rules to be asked to follow and those are different from time to time, from group to group and from district to district. For example, Yakuza in Japan, the honor and loyalty are considered best virtues. So, they get over their dishonor by killing themselves. But the suicide is considered as a great sin in Christianity.
Looking back at the era of middle age and dynasties in which the sword ruled the world, it was natural for male to have a power over female. In that society, physical strength was very important because with that people can get food and protect female or people. To survive they needed that kind of rules. In that society, to keep an order, they needed a religious doctrine, which can justify rulers’ right to control and males’. That means males are supposed to have responsibility to take care of females instead of having some rights to control females. On the other hand, females are supposed to serve males and not to have responsibility instead of losing the right to choose. Of course, this is applied to usual cases, not to all cases.
But nowadays, especially in the developed countries, physical power doesn’t mean the main power to get food and control. The smartness, specialized skills or money can give power to control. So, woman can have job and get power. This means females also have responsibility and freedom of choice.
Forcing some ethical principle was prevailing in old times. Power people justified their power-having, sometimes their corruptions, killings and violating human rights using religious doctrines or the ethical principles. And that forcing is being seen even now many times in Korea, in every corner of our lives. As I have shown here, there are fundamental principle that everybody has to keep, which can be called ‘truth’. In my opinion, we have to use the terms ‘good’ or ‘bad’ instead of using ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the ethical problem. Because we judge something in terms of their behalves.
The right to decide which is good, bad, right or wrong must be given to each person. We must not force the ethical principle to people by making some laws. Law must be about violating human rights and some facts.
Modern society are very mixed world. That means a lot of different ethical principles co-exist in this world. Above-mentioned reasons, we have to guarantee human rights for gays and lesbians. We have to abolish the laws to prohibit prostitution.
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