
  1. 20:17:36 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 10
  2. 20:06:17 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 9
  3. 19:48:41 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 8
  4. 19:28:51 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 7
  5. 17:16:10 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 6
  6. 01:32:14 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 5 - 500 won americano at Busan National University
  7. 01:29:51 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 4 - Scrambled egg dumpling Popular Small Restaurant
  8. 01:12:55 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 3
  9. 00:59:10 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 2
  10. 2014/12/19 Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 1

Dec. 13, 2014. From Hoedongdong Reservoir to Dongrae Geumgan Park, Part 2

I couldn't go to Oryundae because of the time. It's said that it's not easy to go there.


 From Oryundae

It's the Oryundae

And a typical mountain road started

There are several more like this place

It's the lake taken from there

And started walking


 Going to Sanghyun Town

It's a typical way around the lake

Let's look at the pictures

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