  1. 07:11:36 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 7
  2. 07:01:15 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 6
  3. 06:39:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 5
  4. 06:29:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 4
  5. 06:15:28 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 3
  6. 03:05:52 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 2
  7. 2015.11.29 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 1

Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 3

 : Museum which contains the traces of the past.... Books, writings, buildings, sands and soils... When I visited, there were only a few children. It seems to me that people are not interested in that... Also it looks like that.



 Dongdaemoon History Museum 1398

 As you see on the below pictures, several exhibitions made me wonder why they are there.... such as 3D video and other computer book which can be viewed online.... Yep, they would want to show the advanced IT technology...whatsoever.

Old books


 Dongdaemoon Stadium Memorial


 This focused on the history of the stadium. I got more interested in it than the above museum.


Dongdeamoon Stadium Memorial

How was then

Old tickets

 Wow, I felt like I were there. It was 10 years ago. People came to see sports game with buying a ticket...Yes this must be a memory to the citizens...even though I don't have any...

  1. 07:11:36 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 7
  2. 07:01:15 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 6
  3. 06:39:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 5
  4. 06:29:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 4
  5. 06:15:28 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 3
  6. 03:05:52 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 2
  7. 2015.11.29 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 1

  1. 07:11:36 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 7
  2. 07:01:15 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 6
  3. 06:39:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 5
  4. 06:29:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 4
  5. 06:15:28 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 3
  6. 03:05:52 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 2
  7. 2015.11.29 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 1

Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 2

 : After seeing the exhibition, 'The world to change with food', I felt that casual things in life can be arts. While writing this, I could see that there are beautiful and warm aspects in food. 



 Curiosity Cabinet

 Many products we meet through food and something to eat. The kitchen and eating table... Are they also arts? Yes, an artist brought even toilet from home to a gallery. It may be a try to break our prejudice in which we expect something special from art works. Or it is to show that arts is not a thing far from our life... 

Coffee tools

Nuts and crackers

Powder... which children liked

Each artwork has the artist name

What is organic?


 Dongdaemoon History Museum 1398

  This is the essential place for the park but... commercialism overtakes the history.... Yes this is the reality of Korea now.


The entrance


It's not that different from other museum

 Nevertheless, this place had something different from others. This must be because of the specialty as Dongdaemoon and the Stadium. 

  1. 07:11:36 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 7
  2. 07:01:15 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 6
  3. 06:39:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 5
  4. 06:29:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 4
  5. 06:15:28 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 3
  6. 03:05:52 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 2
  7. 2015.11.29 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 1

Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 1

 : If you expected something historic or something very Korean cultural, you will be disappointed in this. It's rather a design park than culture or history park.




 Idol group performance at arrival

 Crowded, scream and shrieking sound from girls.. Yes, it's a typical view at the idol concert place. 

Entrance from subway

At the gate


Map and plan of this park

It telling this place should be about Design

Can see several artifacts around

Built with design...


 Design Exhibition...

  There were several objects here and there. This would be a good place for a date with a girl.


Rock art work?

Food Art Exhibition


It's broadcast on the Internet...

 Art works to me is very strange... or hard to understand... I am a science guy, not an art guy. These were also just objects to me.

  1. 07:11:36 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 7
  2. 07:01:15 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 6
  3. 06:39:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 5
  4. 06:29:30 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 4
  5. 06:15:28 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 3
  6. 03:05:52 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 2
  7. 2015.11.29 Dongdaemoon History and Culture Park(DDP, Design Dream and Play) Part 1

  1. 23:30:20 동대문 역사문화공원(DDP) 방문기 7부
  2. 23:05:01 동대문 역사문화공원(DDP) 방문기 6부
  3. 2015.11.27 동대문 역사문화공원(DDP) 방문기 5부
  4. 2015.11.27 동대문 역사문화공원(DDP) 방문기 4부
  5. 2015.11.27 동대문 역사문화공원(DDP) 방문기 3부
  6. 2015.11.27 동대문 역사문화공원(DDP) 방문기 2부
  7. 2015.11.27 동대문 역사문화공원(DDP) 방문기 1부

동대문 역사문화공원(DDP) 방문기 6부

 :  여기서는 무료 관람은 보기 힘들다. 그리고 유료 관람일 수도록 볼 것이 많은 것 아닐까? 그만큼 신경쓸테니... 무료는 대부분 국립이다. 이해할 수 없는 의료보험료 때문에 가뜩이나 짜증나는 데... 아마 이런 사람이 많을 듯하다. 그래도 어쩔 수 없이 내는 사람이 대부분일 것이고....

 뭐 어쨌든 한국이야 서민들 삥뜯는 건 이미 일반화된 거고, 서민들에게 불합리한 법은 놔두고 재벌이나 부자에게 불리한 법은 뜯어 고치는 게 국개의원이니... 쩝.

 이런 불합리한 현실은 이런 공원과 같은 공간도 마찬가지다. 공적인 공간에 사적인 공간이 들어선 셈이다. 시민을 위한 공원이라고하기엔 녹지가 너무 부족하다. 엄청나게 들어간 공사비... 세금으로 충당된 공사비, 다 누구의 호주머니로 들어갔을까? 볼것도 없이 건설업자들이겠지... 배 좀 불렀을거다. 



 DDP, Dream, Design and Play.

 누구를 위한 건물이 된 건가? 뭐 디자인 어쩌고 하지만 결국 이 안에는 시민을 위한 심터의 공간보다는 디자인 상점과 유료 전시회 등을 위한 공간이 되어 버린 것 같다. 그저 보기만 좋게 만든... 순수 혈세 빼먹기 위한 것이기에... 공간 디자인에 대한 철학도 스페인의 그 유명한 건축물에 비하면 전혀 내세울 것 없는 그런 조형물이 되어 버린 것이다...

 괜히, 쓰레기 같은 현실을 생각하며... 

내부에 있는 통로

둘레길 쉽터... 여기가 둘레길이란다... 빙빙 돌거든..

그 둘레길에 이런게 있던데..상점인지 전시장인지..

커피, 녹차라떼.. 좀 싸네... 의도는 요 둘레길 걸어오다가 지치면 한잔 하겠지 그런거겠지...

디자인 제품이 전시되어 있긴 했다.

드뎌 디자인 박물관, 그러나 유료다... 무료로 할 수 없겠지... 들어간 돈이 얼만데...


 디자인 박물관 아니 디자인 숍


 살림 1관으로 들어가니 전시실이라기 보다는 디자인 제품 판매점이었다. 뭐 각종 디자인 제품을 한 곳에서 볼 수 있다는 게 좋긴 했지만... 


디자인 박물관이라는 푯말이 양쪽에 있다.

박물관 전시 내부를 창을 통해서 찍어 봤다

차한잔할 수 있는 공간

각 상점

커피 용품

3D 프린터로 만든 것

저 상점을 나가면... 보이는 각 회사 홍보물

 글쎄, 여기는 특별한 감흥이 있는 곳은 아니었고, 간간이 외국 관광객이 보였다. 이런 어정쩡한 곳은 왜 있는 걸까? 그냥 백화점을 하든지, 디자인 몰을 하든지... 그렇다고 깔끔한 놀이 동산도 아니고 디자인 건물이라기에는 그냥 보기 좋은 것 이상 어떤 것도 아니고...

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